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/ The SelectWare System Volume 5 #4 / The SelectWare System Volume 5 #4.iso / war10000 / copy.dib (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1991-07-22  |  308KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (65 colors)
Labels: backpack | bulletin board | earth | grass | paper | person | print seller | sky | sodalist | stop sign
OCR: 11 stories reports images and recorded sounds are copyr ighted Nouse duolication or adaptation arepermitted 1991by WARNER NEW MEDIA 3500Olive Ave Burbank CA91505 USA Allrights reserved Nopartofthis work maybe translated ortransmitted inanv forrn or brany means without expresswritten permi ission fron arner New Media NewsDisatm CD-ROM programs are product ofW rner New Mediaa Time W irner Inc. 3500 Olive Ave. Burbank 91505 USA NewDiscis trademark of W arner New Media Apple Apple CDSC Mac Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Ing NewCentury Schoolbook and "Franklin Gothic No. 2" are PostSeript@ typefaces licensed bythe Adobe Type Library Adobe and PostScript aretra ademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated inthe USA Globe Icon Apple Computer Ine. used with perm ssion Allstories m ...